USS Global

The story so far

Founder Peter Randall has in excess of 30 years experience in the building and insurance industries. In this time he found many faults and inefficiencies in the process of making and completing an insurance claim from all parties involved.

Enter USS Global…

The Origin

With in excess of 50 years experience within the industry the directors of USS Global formed the company to improve the processes involved around insurance claims.

The Formation  

Company was formed and the team was built including financial, technical, graphical design and application building teams. Plans were modelled, re-shaped and an initial business plan was drafted.

The Problem

The insurance claim process is clunky and out of date. There is no collaboration between builder, insurance company. The whole process, especially in country areas is not run efficiently, increasing both costs and unproductive labour.

The Solution  

An all in one insurance claim process that is mobile a friendly to use for the end user. Customers are enticed to utilize the product from take up of policy and gives the end user control over their claim.

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